With energy upgrading, we achieve energy savings in your space and guaranteed quality of your equipment.
GAITATZIS undertakes all kinds of certified energy upgrades of buildings, studying and implementing energy upgrades in homes, industries, business premises, restaurants, supermarkets, etc.
We first review and study your building and then propose energy upgrading solutions.
We undertake a complete renovation of your private or professional space, giving shape to everything you have imagined and desired for your living space.
Our highly trained staff, with responsibility and consistency, assumes the most simple to complex work and literally transforms your space, giving it aesthetic and full functionality.
Contact us here and check out our offers.
Our experienced and eager staff are responsible for laying tiles of all sizes, in floors, walls, bathrooms, kitchens, in residential and business premises, with modern high quality building materials (tile adhesives, acrylic grouts, primers, etc.).
Fast and easy placement, excellent quality and aesthetic result, always at competitive prices.
With the pressed cement mortar, we achieve solid construction with long duration in time and a unique smooth, aesthetic result.
The cement mortar is applied to homes, business premises, hotels, catering areas, on any substrate such as marble, tile, plasterboard, without necessarily having to be disposed of.
We undertake all kinds of painting, freshening, painting in indoor and outdoor areas such as:
- Apartments
- Buildings
- Professional spaces
- Maisonettes
- Hotels
- Schools
- Industries
- Stores
We use high quality ecological materials with respect to the environment and human beings.
Our company has four traditional plaster or readymade machines that undertake the thermo-facade of your building with system certification (kelyfos-biopanoply) for maximum heat conservation and zero losses.
In particular, thermal insulation ensures:
- Proper tightness
- Absence of moisture
- Stable temperature of the building
- Significant reduction in energy consumption (in winter for heating, summer for cooling)

We undertake all types of buildings, plasters and restraints, scaffolding, any place, interior or exterior, homes and business premises.
Our experienced staff is fully specialized and equipped with all the necessary equipment and undertakes metering anywhere requested in the whole prefecture of Thessaloniki, with consistency at the time of delivery of the project.